hospital milad

Learn more about the coronavirus

  • Written by : Milad Hospital
  • Grouping : News
  • published in :2022-02-06 13:19

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that, according to the evidence, can spread diseases such as the common cold and the most severe document diseases to the Middle East, or even more severely to acute SARS respiratory syndromes.

In 2019, a new coronavirus series, Knight In, was discovered in Wuhan, China, a new type of coronavirus that had not been seen in humans before.

This course provides general information about Kuwait Knight and emerging respiratory viruses, which is suitable for public health professionals, medical staff, emergency management staff, staff of UN and international organizations, NGOs and associations.

Since the official name of the disease was announced after the publication of the content of this course, any mention of a new coronavirus refers to covid-19 . An infectious disease discovered by the latest coronavirus has spread.